Expert technical translation

Technical translations

Expert technical translation

Trusted by 220+ customers worldwide

Now temporarily FREE

Worth 55 euros (Now temporarily FREE)

We offer new clients the opportunity to request a free sample translation

A 500-word sample translation based on your chosen topic.
Choice of tone of voice, delivery within 48 hours. Based on the test translation you get a concrete picture of our quality.

Vakkundig technisch vertalen

Door ervaren technische vertalers

Een gekwalificeerde technische vertaling is consequent vertaald aan de hand van terminologie en kennis van zaken. Van groot belang is dat de technische vertaler, naast gedegen talenkennis, specifieke technische kennis heeft om te tekst correct te vertalen. Vaak blijkt het vertalen van de technische specificaties van producten lastig te zijn. Dit geldt niet alleen voor een vertaling van het Nederlands naar het Engels, maar bijvoorbeeld ook andersom. Of wat te denken van het vertalen van een technische Chinese producttekst naar het Nederlands? De technische vertalers van Your International staan klaar om hulp te bieden bij het uitwerken van technische vertalingen. Wij hebben de kennis en expertise in huis om van iedere technische productomschrijving een lopend en te begrijpen verhaal te maken.

Handleiding vertalen, productspecificaties, instructiemateriaal, handboeken en werkvoorschriften, montage- en meetvoorschriften, veiligheidsvoorschriften, productbrochures, technische rapporten vertalen en meer. Wij werken uitsluitend met native speakers.

Vakkundig technisch vertalen

Hoe werkt een technische vertaling?

Jij kent het product, wij de taal. Een duidelijke communicatie en nauwe samenwerking is hierdoor essentieel. Wij streven naar een persoonlijke aanpak, waarbij we er alles aan doen om het product en organisatie beter te leren kennen. Zo weten we zeker dat er geen belangrijke USP’s gemist worden. Ook in technische vertalingen helpen ze om je producten te verkopen! Het schrijven van technische vertalingen doen we niet alleen.

We werken samen met professionele vertalers uit diverse landen. Op deze manier kunnen we hoogwaardige Engelse vertalingenDuitse vertalingenFranse vertalingenPoolse vertalingenSpaanse vertalingen en zelfs Chinese vertalingen aanbieden. Samen zoeken we naar kansen om jou uit te laten breiden naar het buitenland! Het vergroten van je doelgroep zorgt in de meeste gevallen voor een hogere omzet. Het uitwerken van technische vertalingen kan hierin een eerste stap zijn.

Naast technische vertalingen behoren ook communicatie vertalingen en e-commerce vertalingen tot onze mogelijkheden. 



AI Translation


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Expert technical translation

By experienced technical translators

A qualified technical translation consistently employs the correct terminology and expertise. It is crucial that a technical translator possesses specific technical knowledge in addition to strong language skills to accurately translate the text. Translating technical specifications can often be challenging, whether it's from Dutch to English or vice versa, or even from Chinese to Dutch.

The technical translators at Your International are here to help with all your technical translation needs. We have the knowledge and expertise to transform any technical product description into a coherent and understandable narrative.

We translate manuals, product specifications, instructional materials, work instructions, assembly and measurement instructions, safety regulations, product brochures, technical reports, and more. We work exclusively with native speakers to ensure the highest quality.


Expert technical translation

How does a technical translation work?

You know the product; we know the language. This makes clear communication and close cooperation essential. We aim for a personal approach, striving to understand your product and organisation thoroughly. This ensures that no important unique selling points (USPs) are overlooked. Technical translations can also help sell your products!

We collaborate with professional translators from various countries, offering high-quality translations in English, German, French, Polish, Spanish, and even Chinese. Together, we seek opportunities to expand your business abroad. Increasing your target audience typically leads to higher sales, and technical translations can be a crucial first step.

In addition to technical translations, we also specialise in communication translations and e-commerce translations.


Our process

Our way of working

Way faster than traditional translators, way cheaper than expensive agencies, and quality guaranteed by human expertise.

Request a free sample translation or an instant quotation

Response from one of our project managers within 1 hour.

Let us know your specific requirements

After extensive research on the subject, an orientation meeting or a clear briefing with any terminology, we guarantee the best result.

We find the best translator/proofreader

Or make sure our own AI gets the job done. We consider the desired target audience, terminology and the best tone of voice.


Upon approval, we begin translating your content immediately. Naturally, we will keep you informed throughout the process. Project management is always included, as well as proofreading by a second translator.

Delivery and quality guarantee

We offer a quality guarantee. If you have any questions within 14 days, we will gladly help out and implement any feedback.


We help you expand beyond borders

Over 220 satisfied, returning clients, 40 language combinations, 35+ agency partners, and all at affordable prices!

Happy customers
0 +
0 +
Agency partners
0 +
Per word

We translated our entire website into English, German, and French in just 5 days.

Review Vertaling 2 eigenaren

Samer Hadi


0 +
Increasing revenue
0 %


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about Our AI and Human Translation Process

You bet! If you’re searching for the translation agency that perfectly aligns with your company’s needs, it’s no wonder you might feel overwhelmed by the options. We’re here to simplify your choice with our top-quality translations. Request a free 250-word test translation in any language combination today.

We guarantee high-quality translation work by exclusively partnering with highly qualified native translators. If a translation does not meet your expectations, we will promptly revise it according to your feedback.

Moreover, we ensure timely delivery for every translation. We have a flawless track record of meeting deadlines. In the unlikely event of a delay, we will refund the full amount.

We currently collaborate with major international listed companies, including MyProtein and Blackhawk, and regularly work with charities.

Over 220 partners worldwide rely on our translations. Interested in learning more about our references? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Yes! At our core, we are international consultants and marketers. We offer clients comprehensive services including international SEO keyword research, international marketing campaigns, and advice on importing, exporting, and conducting business abroad.

Great question. Our rates start as low as €0.05 per word!

There are hardly any documents we don’t translate. Indeed, we handle nearly everything: from websites, flyers, and blog articles to books and poems. No matter how you provide the texts—whether as Word, Excel, or CSV files—we can accommodate. Additionally, we work with various Content Management Systems including WordPress, Magento, and Joomla.

Still not sure?

We guarantee error-free website translations within five working days, all at a competitive fixed price.